Saturday, August 7, 2010

How do I fix my computer? I'm getting an OLEAUT32.DLL error.?

I can't get on the internet or any applications. Please HELP! I have Windows 98 and everything has went wrong on my computer ever since I tried to download an Anti-virus protection that I bought from Best Buy.

How do I fix my computer? I'm getting an OLEAUT32.DLL error.?antivirus scan

Oh my! You paid BestBuy for it, and downloaded it? You didn't say what the name was, but my first suggestion is to unstall it. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add or remove Programs and find the antivirus program. Click to remove it, then remove anything else that has the same name, i.e., if it's Norton, remove anything that has Norton in the name.

What are you using now to get on the Internet? Here's a link to a fix from Microsoft, but you need to be able to download and install this.

I hope this helps, and I hope you take your receipt back to BestBuy and make them eat it, or at least make them give your money back. As a suggestion, print your question and all the answers you get as proof of trying to get help for your problem.

If you do get your money back and get the computer running, get Avast or AVG. Both are free, both are good and highly recommended by users everywhere. AVG will have a new free version available January 10th so don't be afraid to use it if that's your choice. Good luck!

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