Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I believe I have a Trojan on my computer. How do I get rid of it? Please help!?

On my house computer, there is a little pop-up every 5 mins or so saying that there is spyware on my computer that could slow its working progress and to click here to download virus protectors, and every time i open Internet Explorer, it goes right to a virus protection page, not allowing me to go to my set homepage. Can anyone help me out??

I believe I have a Trojan on my computer. How do I get rid of it? Please help!?nortin


If you computer infected with the virus within 1 or 2 days, so please select SYSTEM RESTORE option in Accessories, System Tools and select 3 or 4 days back your SYSTEM RESTORE and you will solve your problem. With the help of this your Trojan Virus not working till now. but you PC still infected with the virus.

Now firstly scan you whole computer with the any REPUTED ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE and try to clean your PC, If your Antivirus will never clean your PC so please Update your antivirus and try again otherwise reformat your Windows.

Otherwise go NORTON ANTIVIRUS Website and scan you PC online.


I believe I have a Trojan on my computer. How do I get rid of it? Please help!?pc security

to remove spyware use, spybot search %26destroy

and for a free antivirus as well use AVG,both are downloadable from
Get a free Anti-Spyware at
I would suggest a anti virus program called AVAST. It is free and you just have to register it once a year (again free) . It is a real time program meaning it runs in the background on your system. My cable company suggested it when I had 2 spyware programs and a trogen program on my wifes pc. It found them and deleted them right away. The nice thing is it has kept out system clean for over a year now.
my computer have gone through that..

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