Sunday, August 15, 2010

Do I have a computer virus?

I always had the protection that came with the computer it expired and I bought something else. Once or twice it said it had an infection but I scanned and it says it sure it. Recently things have been messing up. In my e-mail I cant go to address book and find contacts to send to I have to manually type them in. Customer Service said they went into my computer and it worked fine for them. I go to another site and it pops up rating error and always makes me enter my username and password twice. Then I try and buy games and it kicks me out and always takes me to the main page. I have tried all of these things from work computer and it works fine. Whats wrong and what can I do to fix it. Thanx!

Do I have a computer virus?symantic

Yes I suggest you take screen shots of this so that I can help with the removal!

Do I have a computer virus?viruses

it sounds like u have a virus...if u have an HP computer..they have a great HP customer chat service and will help u step by step. It's free. But if you're really desperate and you feel like you have tried EVERYTHING...

first do a system restore. It'll restore your computer to a time when your computer was actually functioning by taking out or putting back programs that you installed/removed.

if that doesn't work..try customer care..

or..if u already have..then the LAST to do a system recovery. It puts ur comp back to default but it deletes all your personal files like in ur documents and new programs u put in ur computer.

i hope this helps...good luck

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